There's no denying that the world is increasingly shaped by environmental challenges. This makes instilling a sense of responsibility for our planet in the hearts of the younger generation crucial. Fortunately, a growing number of children's books are tackling the topic of climate change, making it accessible and engaging for young readers. In this blog post, we'll explore 10 outstanding books that not only educate children about the realities of climate change but also inspire them to become environmental stewards.
A literary journey is very much like sailing into uncharted waters, each classic novel serving as a compass guiding readers through a vast array of human experiences. In this blog, we'll delve into the treasure trove of classic literature offered by Paper Mill Press. From the majestic depths of "Moby Dick" to the whimsical adventures of "The Jungle Book," let's explore how these timeless tales continue to captivate readers and why Paper Mill Press editions are essential additions to any bookshelf.
Easter is upon us again after what we think has been the quickest start to the year ever. Easter is a time of chocolate eggs and straw bonnets. But for many, including us, it has a deeper Christian meaning that we can't forget about. We've come up with a list of 10 amazing book recommendations for children 8 - 12.
Diverse and representative books encourage empathy and inclusion, and help school us about people and events in history that are all too often forgotten or ignored. In recent years, the importance of diversity and inclusion has become more widely recognised and embraced in the UK and beyond. Whilst there has been significant change, there is so much more to be done. As part of this drive, children's books promoting diversity and inclusion have become increasingly popular and widely bought by parents and schools alike. Here are 10 of the children's books about diversity and inclusion.
Every year, on the 8th of March, International Women's Day is celebrated to put the spotlight on the achievements of women around the world. A significant way to celebrate is by sharing books and stories about inspirational women through out the world who have made and continue to make a difference. Reading books to amplify the voices of women and normalise their greatness is one way. Below is a list of 10 children's books we found which fit perfectly with today's celebration.
World Book Day provides a great opportunity to be more intentionally inclusive and it doesn’t always have to come down to dressing up. It’s never too early to begin the work of anti-racism & diversity awareness or to help your school setting make progress in conscious equality even as you promote the love of reading. With 34.5% of primary age pupils in the U.K being from minority ethnic backgrounds, diversity will not be the issue for a lot of school settings. How included these pupils feel and consequently how much of a sense of belonging they have will often be the issue.