Every year, on the 8th of March, International Women's Day is celebrated to put the spotlight on the achievements of women around the world. A significant way to celebrate is by sharing books and stories about inspirational women through out the world who have made and continue to make a difference. Reading books to amplify the voices of women and normalise their greatness is one way. Below is a list of 10 children's books we found which fit perfectly with today's celebration.
World Book Day provides a great opportunity to be more intentionally inclusive and it doesn’t always have to come down to dressing up. It’s never too early to begin the work of anti-racism & diversity awareness or to help your school setting make progress in conscious equality even as you promote the love of reading. With 34.5% of primary age pupils in the U.K being from minority ethnic backgrounds, diversity will not be the issue for a lot of school settings. How included these pupils feel and consequently how much of a sense of belonging they have will often be the issue.
Its always an honour to be of impact. To inspire peers and others. Here's a story of how a Year 5 student was inspired to write an award winning story by Kirsten & Aiyven's creative writing workshop
Over 200 school children are lost to suicide every year in the UK and these stats are only released for children 10-14.
According to the British Journal of Psychiatry as quoted by an article in The Guardian, about 7% of U.K. children have attempted suicide by age 17 but we don’t talk about suicide in schoolchildren.