My Visit To Evelina Children Hospital School In London

Hello Reader!

Toady we are talking about how reading can be a form of escapism - and that's a good thing. Even more so when those reading are so young and experiencing the reality of living life and being schooled in hospital. I would want to escape. Desperately so. Even better if i could escape into a world that didn't take total conjecture to make sense of.


A world which offered some representation of my kind but with stories whose alternate realities are worth disappearing into. I experienced this firsthand during my visit to Evelina Children's hospital yesterday. If at the start of this journey, you had told me about the existence of children's hospital schools or the full extent of what's involved in running them, you would have found me completely clueless. There is another level of respect due to the health and teaching staff working in such settings. Putting a smile on the faces of these children, providing them with pages to escape into drives me like you wouldn't believe. They are so innocent. One can only hope and pray that for the majority, if they can hold the vision of a better reality in their mind, they can soon experience it in 3D.

Pictured below, visiting Claire Bond, Assistant Head Teacher at Evelina Children's Hospital School which is part of Guy St Thomas's hospital London. We absolutely love making this sort of impact. So please, do not hesitate to reach out if you work in a Hospital School or any in your network does. This work is so necessary and meaningful. 

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