Our Feature in The Daily Express & Daily Mirror Newspapers!

Last week we were very fortunate to have been featured in both the Daily Express & the Daily Mirror newspapers! The article was focused on children who have set up small businesses from home during the National Lockdown. We obviously set up Happier Every Chapter from the comfort of our own living room in November 2020 and the article talks a little bit about our experience of setting up a business and how we managed to do it.

We hope that the newspaper article encourages other young people to start their own businesses on something they are passionate about. As well as our feature, the article also looks at two other young people who have set up businesses completely different to ours - this just goes to show that there are so many possibilities out there for what your business could sell!

We were so inspired by the other super amazing kid-preneurs in the same article. Issy, 11 from Sassy Slime, whose slime business generated more than £1000 in 90 days is such a powerhouse🙌. Her slime videos have grown her mum's Tiktok account to more than 100k followers with her slime videos😲. If you are an aspiring kid or teen-preneur why not check out the BizKidz Academy. A fantastic business mentoring programme for kids run by Issy's mum, Cheryl Dodd. She has helped dozens of kids start businesses and earn their own pocket money. 

Ethan Svirsky, 18  from North London, was also one of the kid-preneurs mentioned in the articles. Ethan started his online antiques business Marshgoodland Antiques last October. So inspiring how he used his £1500 saved up for travelling after his last year at school to start his thriving online business.

We are grateful to Debbi Marco and Mernie Gilmore of Daily Mirror for featuring us so beautifully. Its very humbling to be receiving so much news coverage - on local news programmes, the radio, in the newspapers and all of the shares we receive on social media.

Even just a simple like or retweet of one of our Tweets and the other businesses mentioned here will spread the word of who we are and what we do to so many more people around the globe.

 You can read the article by clicking the link below!

The Daily Mirror Newspaper Article 

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