Sci-Fi September - Exclusive Sneak Peek

Last week we announced that Happier Every Chapter's theme for September would be Sci-Fi September. As we did last month once we'd announced the theme, we thought you'd like to know about one of the books that we will be featuring in the box!



Front cover of Below Zero by Dan Smith. A white background with a blue sillohette of a person which is in blue. the words Below Zero are written across his body in white

Synopsis: "Twelve-year-old Zak is plane-wrecked on an abandoned research outpost in the Antarctic with his sister and parents. Here, a series of nightmarish occurrences and bizarre visions suggest a link to something else - a presence beneath the ice - which only Zak can understand ..."

You can read more about Dan's books by visiting his website. Click here.


Chris Callaghan, who wrote The Great Chocoplot which we featured in our Easter themed box earlier this year and did a Youtube review of back in 2019, gave Below Zero a five star review on Goodreads and wrote: "A chilling, action-packed, Antartica-based stonker of a story. Zac's family crash land at an isolated research base and immediately find themselves in a non-stop blizzard of chaos and confusion.

Wrap up warm and prepare yourself for a teeth-chattering adventure. *Shudder*"

Something we love about our subscription box is how varied the books are from month to month. There are so many new genres which we are exploring at the same time as our subscribers and not only is this giving us writing inspiration, but it's also helping us to diversify our own reading choices as we grow older. 


DON'T FORGET: if you subscribe to our 6 month, or 12 month plan you will get 50% off your first box and a bonus book if you enter the code FIRSTBOX50 at the checkout, which is an offer you don't want to miss!

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