Self Motivation...A little talked about benefit of reading.

Self Motivation


A little talked about benefit of reading...


In all of their 5 years in secondary school, this mum could count on one hand the number of times their daughters have needed to be woken up to get ready for school.


She could count on one hand, the number of times they've needed to be reminded to do homework or study for a test.


She was often at a loss on what to say in conversations where these frustrations came up.


There were challenges as with any normal household with 2 teenagers, but convincing them to get up and ready for school or do homework wasn't one of them.


Over time she made the connection


Their incredible level of self-motivation was in a big way helped by reading.


There's something that shifts when one reads words about challenges faced, risks taken, perseverance in the face of setbacks and the triumphs or lessons that ensue.


It is great fuel for inspiration and motivation to take action towards one's own goals and aspirations.


That mum is me.


Reading had afforded our daughters the confidence that they have the capacity to visualize possibilities, overcome obstacles and create what they desire.


I have witness the huge impact on their imagination and creativity too. Evidenced by their creative writing abilities.


These are the results from my lived experience.


My passion for this work wouldn't be the same without it.


What little talked about benefit of reading have you experienced?

Tell me all the things in the comments.

I would love to hear.


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