The Impact of Inclusive Storytelling on Kids

             Kids love stories! Have you ever wondered why they get excited to sit in front of the Television to watch their favourite TV shows? The reason is stories transform kids from reality to imagination, and as curious humans, stories are a great way to satisfy their curiosity. Because of inclusive storytelling, popular TV shows like Spongebob and PJ Masks ensure kids remain glued to the screen and anxious for more.

Moreover,  the impact of inclusive storytelling on kids is endless. Right from time immemorial, stories have been a traditional way to shape children's minds. In addition, stories are a great tool to teach children morals. For the record, entertainment is only the tip of the iceberg. Other effects of inclusive storytelling on kids are seen in subsequent paragraphs.

            Storytelling improves kids' listening skills. It is not a lame claim that sitting children to listen to stories helps them to recall and retain information. Storytelling should go side by side with questions to ascertain if your kids are in total concentration. Eventually, inclusive storytelling at a young age assists children to learn better when they get to college.

Besides, storytelling provides kids with a plethora of vocabulary. Subsequently, with consistent storytelling, kids come across different words that aid their vocabulary development. Additionally, they learn to read and understand texts better than their mates.

Talk of a better social life with your kids. Storytelling lets you know your kids and learn about their strengths and weaknesses. You also get to know their thoughts along the line. Imagine a situation where a character is faced between the demon and the blue-red sea; ask your kid what he/she would do in such a similar situation. Eventually, you learn about who they are and the motivation that guides their actions and inactions.

However, it is unfortunate that storytelling between parents and their children is old-fashioned. These days, parents don't have/find the luxury of time to share stories with them and often leave them at the mercy of the TV. Regardless, sharing stories with your kids is a great way to bond with them, and we advise that you find time to narrate or read stories to/with them.

Choosing the correct stories for your kids can be a task, so this article recommends books with good storytelling techniques. So, check out our list of great books below:


Don't Ask the Dragon

Alem's adventurous birthday takes unexpected turns as he seeks celebration spots. With diverse characters, this tale warns against asking the dragon, adding suspense and inclusive charm to storytelling.


Nala's World

Inspired by a true story, Dean and Nala's global journey transcends borders. This heartwarming tale celebrates companionship and resilience, emphasizing the universal language of friendship.


Julian Is A Mermaid

Jessica Love's enchanting story explores self-expression and acceptance as Julian daydreams of becoming a fabulous mermaid. The narrative beautifully embraces diversity, encouraging readers to embrace individuality.

 Julian is a Mermaid

My Mums Love Me

A lyrical celebration of same-sex parenting, this heartwarming book reassures and soothes. Vibrant illustrations complement the rhyming narrative, making it an inclusive and comforting read for all families.


Sinbad and the Monkeys

Part of the Reading Champion series, this Arabian Nights retelling features Sinbad's escape from an island of monkeys. Engaging and skillfully linked to reading development, it enhances storytelling with cultural richness.


Life is a Rainbow

Join the colourful journey of emotions as this joyful book paints a rainbow of feelings. It's a delightful way to share hope with everyone around you, from happiness to sadness.


The Boy Who Cried

Cry Baby's tantrums take an unexpected turn when his tears flood the house. A humorous tale teaches an essential lesson about the consequences of constant crying.

 The Boy Who Cried

Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr?

Discover the life of the influential civil rights activist Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. From organizing the Montgomery Bus Boycott to advocating for voting rights, this biography celebrates his legacy and vision.

 Who Was Martin Luther King Junior

Frankie Sparks and the Lucky Charm

Join Frankie Sparks in a STEM-inspired adventure as she uses her inventing skills to trap a leprechaun. This chapter book is filled with excitement, magical clues, and the quest for good luck.


Wisp: A Story of Hope

A child refugee, Idris encounters a magical Wisp that awakens memories and rekindles hopes of freedom. In this extraordinary picture book, storytelling and imagination offer a powerful message of hope.

Wisp A Story of Hope


These books exemplify the power of inclusive storytelling. From the heartwarming story in "Life is a Rainbow" to Martin Luther King Jr.'s inspiring journey to the magical hope in "Elf”, there is just enough to feed your child’s imagination. These books encourage multiple perspectives, encouraging young minds to appreciate the beauty of diversity and see the commonality that connects us all. Through storytelling, we discover the uniqueness of each story and the universal bonds that bind us together in our shared humanity.

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