
The Magic Maths Of 15 Minutes

How can reading for 15 minutes a day grow vocabulary by as much as 80% ? 

15 seems to be the magic number of daily reading minutes which enables most children to achieve accelerated reading growth. Yet, 54% of children do not read that long each day, if at all. Here's some maths for you. 

15 minutes per day = 105 minutes per week = 30,000 words

105 minutes per week = 5460 minutes a year = 20 books per year.

20 books a year = 1000 + books (given approx 70+ year lifetime)

Don't forget, vocabulary grows through this by as much as 80%! 

Not only that, reading is a sure fire way to break the "birth determines fate" pattern which most underserved (disadvantaged) pupils could be trapped in. 

15 minutes is only slightly longer than the time it takes to make a cuppa. 

Do you have other reading magic up your sleeve? 

Let us know! 

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