A mother and daughter go about their day as chemical reactions in their everyday lives occur around them in Everyday Chemistry<\/i>, a nonfiction picture book by writer Julia Sooy and illustrator Bonnie Pang. <\/b>Science is all around us in our daily lives. Specifically, chemistry! When your bread toasts, when your shampoo foams, when the playground slide rusts\-\-those are all chemical reactions. In this book, a mother and daughter expereince all these things and more as they go about their day, from when they wake up, to when they go to bed. This story is a great way to introduce young readers into the world of science!<\/p>
ISBN: 9781250768698
Title: Every Day, Chemistry
Author: Sooy, Julia
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Binding: Hardcover
Category: Children Nonfiction
Subject: Science & Nature