Our African Youth Arise Experience

It's been a while since the last blog post, and as expected, lots has happened since then.
One of the events we've been on since the last post was an online workshop hosted by African Youth Arise (AYA). It was a fantastic event with over 50 participants including members of the Northamptonshire county council and senior members of Northamptonshire police.
What is AYA?
African Youth Arise is an organisation dedicated to strengthening and refining the lives of young African descendants living in the U.K. The target age group is between 11 and 25 based in the East Midlands. Despite this, all ages are welcome.
We were kindly invited to this event by Rumbi to talk about our recently published debut novels, Sagas of Anya and Land of the Nurogons. In case you didn't know, Sagas of Anya is written by Kirsten Mbawa and Land of the Nurogons is written by Aiyven Mbawa.

We are really so grateful for the opportunity to participate in this wonderful event. We learnt so much about the Black Lives Matter movement and we also found out about other people's experiences with discrimination because of the colour of their skin.
It's so encouraging that the Northamptonshire police are actively working with organisations within the community, like AYA to bridge the gap and bring about positive change.
We would especially like to thank the Superintendent of Northamptonshire Police, Denis Murray, for following us and speaking so highly about us on Twitter.

AYA is definitely a worthy cause to support and one that will bring amazing changes in the lives of youths in Northamptonshire. Thank you so much again!