Guiding You On The Joyous Path To Reading & Writing For Pleasure

 Spark Imagination & Creativity. Discover the Power of Storytelling. Be the Wordsmith of your Own Narrative. 

Here's A Bit About Us

From 2020 when we first published our debut novels, we've had great success delivering author visits, creative writing workshops in primary and secondary schools across the U.K. 

Being co-founders of Happier Every Chapter, our bookshop & book subscription family business, adds a flavour of entrepreneurial inspiration too.

Not only that, along our journey, we've worked with Disney and The Female Lead (Inducted as the First Ever Young Female Leads)! 

Now, we are on a mission to take our passion for all things reading and writing to as many children as possible in the U.K. & beyond. Read our full story here

Discover how to transform your writing and reading trajectory at our Creating Worlds With Creative Writing Workshop, where inspiration & creativity meet actionable tips. This masterclass is a combo of an author visit, a creative writing workshop with a reading for pleasure element. We run this virtually and face-to-face.

This isn’t just a workshop; it’s an activation experience that will motivate your child to fall in love with reading, writing and tap into all benefits that come with both.

Mr.Courtney Henry


What Makes Us Different?

Experience the positive side of peer pressure! 

There's no denying the impact reading has on a child's academic performance, self awareness, communication skills, emotional intelligence and so much more.

There's also no denying that there's no-one better to inspire and motivate us that those we can relate to.

Our work is for you if you are looking for fresh, inspiring & impactful ways to get your children reading more. Our workshops are ideal for 7-12 year olds with bespoke sessions for 13+

Following our workshops, attendees will;

✨Feel confident to take up creative writing equipped with the knowledge of how story sequencing, structure, language and presentation contribute to a great story

✨Be encouraged to read widely and often for both pleasure and information to build their fluency and confidence.

✨Receive a FREE story mountain template pack and 2 short story e-Books written by Kirsten and Aiyven

So, when you need innovative ways to liven up your school assembly or education even, please get in touch.

Make a Booking Enquiry

Want to inspire your children to read and write for pleasure? Then look no further than where peer pressure can work like magic...good magic. Reach out today.
