Be Happy (Hardcover) Children's Books Happier Every Chapter

Be Happy (Hardcover)

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Find your happiness—whatever it may be. What makes you happy? Time with friends? Curling up with a good book and a cup of hot tea? Simple things can create deep feelings of contentment, and this guide from the editors of Teen Breathe shows you how easy it is to reach that smiley state. Learn why a fit of giggles is good for you, how to cultivate an attitude of gratitude, and why adventure, dancing, and pets can all bring you joy. You’ll also discover how to handle such downers as rainy days, rejection, negative peers, and that nagging fear of missing out.

Title: Be Kind (Teen Breathe, Bk. 4)
Author: Sterling
Publisher: Sterling
Category: Young Adult Nonfiction
Binding: Hardcover
Subject: Health
Collection: Business, Careers & Education
Reading Age: 10 - 13 years
No. Of Pages: 127 pages
Langauage: English
ISBN-13: 9781454936459
# Amazon Reviews: n/a
Amazon Ranking Category 1: Personal Health for Young Adults
Amazon Ranking Category 2: Emotional Self Help
Amazon Ranking Category 3: Emotional Self Help

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