From the co-creator of the hit children's show, Dora the Explorer, comes a hilarious and timeless collection of stories about the friendship between Freddie Parrott and his loyal butler, Peccary.
Ride through Rubberwick in your Rolly Royce with Freddie and Peccary! This story collection is full of whimsical illustrations and laugh-out-loud adventures.
From solving problems like the mysterious knock-knocking door, to saving the day with a fresh batch of waffle batter, Freddie Parrott knows that he can always count on his loyal butler and best friend, Peccary.
"The Wind in the Willows meets Wodehouse's Jeeves and Wooster in these short stories."--Kirkus Reviews
ISBN: 9780593378205
Title: The Famously Funny Parrott: Four Tales from the Bird Himself
Author: Weiner, Eric Daniel
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Binding: Hardcover
Category: Children Fiction
Subject: Humorous Stories