Ever gazed up at the night sky and been mesmerized by its inky blackness? Ever marveled at the luminous stars and swirling burst of brilliants blues, reds and purples? Ever wish to create artwork that would capture these amazing colors and effects to enjoy them all the time? Inspire creativity this holiday season with personalized mini galaxy domes. This kit contains everything you need to create stunning, hand-painted galaxy rocks to put on display or share with family and friends. Kit Includes: 48- page book with detailed instructions and inspiration 2 stencil-template pages 5 large river stones 7 acrylic paints Sponge brush Fine paintbrush
Title: Galaxy Rocks - Paint Your Own (Activity Set)
Author: Hinkler
Publisher: Hinkler
Date Published: Paperback – 6 Nov. 2019
Category: Toys & Activities
Subject: Activity Sets
Binding: Activity Set
Reading Age: Books for Adults
No. Of Pages: 48 pages
Langauage: English
ISBN-13: 978-1488941214