Smile! Don't eat too much. You're so bossy. Society constantly squelches young women, and tells us all the ways that we're wrong. But we reject these limitations. We are all strong, different--and complex. In this unique book, teen writer and recipe creator Sadie Radinsky offers practices, tips, and exercises to help young women embrace our whole selves.
Each chapter welcomes a different mood (like mad, blue, wild, cozy) to empower all parts of our lives. The book includes: -Tips and insights for navigating some of young women's biggest issues today, including social media, individuality, and uncertainty -Well-being practices including getting enough sleep, exercise as self-love, and having a good relationship with food -Talks with experts and celebrities who share fresh advice -Mindful Movements, from yoga to simple play -Delicious gluten-free, Paleo treat recipes
Title: Whole Girl: Live Vibrantly, Love Your Entire Self, and Make Friends with Food (Hardcover)
Author: Radinsky, Sadie
Publisher: Sounds True
Date Published: Hardcover – 8 Mar. 2021
Category: Young Adult Nonfiction
Subject: Health
Binding: Hardcover
Reading Age: Young Adult
No. Of Pages: 224 pages
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1683645702